What Makes a Good Cybersecurity Program?

Published on September 1, 2021  |  Cyberfort Advisors
cybersecurity program

What do you think makes a good cybersecurity program? Is it quick response times to attacks, great analytics, magic? Let’s talk about it.

Threat & Vulnerability Assessment

When it comes to cybersecurity, there is no single right answer. We are fighting an ever-evolving threat. For example, ransomware and business email compromise are two threats that are growing rapidly in popularity right now.

And every system has weaknesses, vulnerabilities that can be leveraged or exploited.

Having a cybersecurity program that performs comprehensive threat and vulnerability assessments is the foundation of your system. You can’t protect something if you don’t know where the weak spots are.

Threats to your business’s cyber-integrity can come from internal and external actors. One way to know which external factors to focus on includes the implementation of risk assessment in your cybersecurity program.

Risk Assessment

Do you know what risk factors hackers are looking to exploit in your business? That is the question a good risk assessment aims to answer.

Risk assessments are used to identify potential threats to a new project or business offering. The goal of a risk assessment is to identify the areas you have incomplete knowledge of. This is done so you can fill in any gaps you have before they are used against you.

Log Management

Log management for your cybersecurity program is the fastest way to get notified about security issues before they turn into major breaches. Tripwire has a great article that breaks down the functions and importance of log management:

Each event in a network generates data, and that information then makes its way into the logs, records which are produced by operating systems, applications, and other devices. Logs are crucial to security visibility. If organizations fail to collect, store, and analyze those records, they could open themselves to digital attacks.

There are 5 parameters to a complete log management process: collection, storage, search, correlation, and output.

Intrusion Detection Solutions

Without intrusion detection, you are leaving any data you send vulnerable and exposed to cybercriminals. Intrusion detection systems are applications that monitor networks for suspicious activity and other violations.

This part of a cybersecurity program can help you recognize and be aware of the techniques cybercriminals are using in their attempts to breach your networks, including things like fragmentation, low-bandwidth attacks, spoofing and proxying, and more.

Firewall Management

A firewall is what provides protection against hackers by blocking malicious or unneeded website and Internet traffic. IT can block certain data and let other data through, acting as a shield.

According to Kentucky University, firewalls contribute to the integrity of your network connections by doing things like preventing unauthorized remote connections and creating a layer of security between the outside traffic and information you need and the internal networks and information that are integral to your success as a business.

In-Depth Cybersecurity Consulting from Experienced Professionals

82,191 cyber-attacks occurred today by highly coordinated hacker collectives. Threats are up 60% in 2021. Is it time to rethink your cybersecurity strategies? The best cybersecurity programs have experienced professionals at the helm. And CyberFort Advisors have used this experience to create comprehensive solutions that target your most pressing security issues.

CyberFort Black uses the Cisco Umbrella to protect all types of devices with one solution while providing multiple essential security technologies that work together natively.

Start your free trial of CyberFort Black today or contact us at 1 (866) 221-4004 or email info@cyberfortadvisors.com to learn more.